A business strategy is the means by which it sets out to achieve its desired ends.
Restructuring your company could restore its viability and improve its liquidity position.
Company income subject to tax is often determined much like taxable income for individual taxpayers.
We supply audit and consulting services for managers, CЕO's of large companies, investors, lenders, etc.
Putting clients first!
With our thorough knowledge of all the products we support and the industries we serve, we make educated recommendations which help our clients realize long term value from their system. At our company we not only help you choose software to address your current business needs, we help you use that technology to your competitive advantage. And we do it all clearly and with purpose.
Mr. Jone Makuin, CEO & Founder
Wealth management is a high-level professional service that combines financial and investment advice, accounting and tax services, retirement planning and legal or estate planning for one set fee.
Investment management is a generic term that most commonly refers to the buying and selling of investments within a portfolio. Investment management can also include banking and budgeting duties, as well as taxes.
Healthcare companies face dramatic changes in customer behavior, market dynamics and regulatory demands. Bain works with healthcare companies to deliver better value for patients, fuel innovation and reduce the cost and complexity of operating systems.
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Камин Галерей, 28 тоот
Бага тойруу, Сүхбаатар дүүрэг, 6-р хороо, Улаанбаатар, Монгол улс – 14200
Сургалтын танхим
Камин Галерей, 28 тоот
Бага тойруу, Сүхбаатар дүүрэг, 6-р хороо, Улаанбаатар, Монгол улс – 14200
Холбоо барих
Хэрвээ Мэдээллийн технологийн зөвлөх, аудит,сургалттай холбоотой асууж тодруулах зүйл байвал бидэнтэй холбогдоно уу.